Issue 4: Architectural Expertise (2016) in a digital pdf form. This is a fully searchable, vector pdf, containing high resolution raster images without any digital rights management hassles. Our nominal price helps pay for the costs associated with providing this pdf online.
Edited by Kevin Block.
Contents: Introduction: President-Architect: On Recent Politics and Architectural Expertise, Kevin Block. Center for the Built Environment: tools & technologies for performance, Gail Brager & Edward Arens. Modeling architecture in the world of expertise, Harry Collins, Robert Evans, Sergio Pineda & Martin Weinel. Father, Child, & Ban - Nine Square Novel, Sean Nakamura Dolan. The Art of Mud Building in Djenné, Mali, Trevor H.J. Marchand. Saturated FAT: replete image in architecture, Adam Miller. First Kill All the Experts, John Parman. Spaces of Complexity. On Not-Kowing, Un-Learning and ‘Panoramas of Possibilities’, Tatjana Schneider. Apparent Folly No. 1, Alex Spatzier. Debating “Democracy”: The International Union of Architects and the Cold War Politics of Expertise, Katherine Zubovich. A Career at the Hinge: Paul Groth and Cultural Landscape Studies, Paul Groth with Sarah Lopez. Researching Architectural Research, Avigail Sachs with Jennifer Gaugler. Peggy Deamer’s: The Architect as Worker: Immaterial Labor, the Creative Class, and the Politics and Design., a book review by Sharóne L. Tomer. Housing the Dead a lens through local densification patterns, Matthew Au. City of the Captive Audience 195 Aether House, Neal Barber & Nick Harvey Cheetham. Aether House, Foster Turcott. Who What When Where How Why, Jessica Chen & Mia Narell. Dynamic Ceramic, Phirak Suon. Overlap / Succesion / Sedimentation, Keenan Gravier & Isabella Warren.